Week 10 cover

Bridge Project: Among the time allotted this week the bridge group had made quite a fair bit of progress by being able to nail on most of the decking pieces (with the exception of a ramp side due to issues with length). The main tool used to accomplish this was the good ole Nail-Gun, by using this it saved a  bunch of time and allowed us to steam roll the decking process.Bridge update wk 10

Photo-Frame Project: During the time this week for the photo-frame  group they had been busy continuing design pieces for the outer frame, these designs aim to spruce up the finished product.

Pergola Project: This week the pergola group had been digging the post holes for their Pergola frames posts and have cemented in two of their four posts. Along with decidedly joining to assist the bridge group when they needed a hand or three.Pergola update wk 10

Note: There won't be a builders log for the following two weeks as they are school holidays, but they will return when school starts again in two weeks time.

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